
Easy Rules For Fitness Girls

Health and fitness are generally made to appear complex.
If you read a lot of fitness magazines and blogs (as I often do), says youre a confusing picture of complex printed circuit boards. Dizzy.
Youre said eggs, butter and meat is bad for you. Then another people will tell you the same things that are really good. Then you hear is going well for you and the club and the audience laughs longest primary route. You will learn that weight lifting is the best way to get fit, and laugh about it. You will hear one million variants of the best workouts of the time of feeding, as your periodized training on how to measure fitness, you need to take supplements ad naseum.
Its enough to want to quit you.
Fortunately, not the room to be complicated.
In fact, you can reduce it to two simple rules: Get your body moving regularly and Eat a moderate amount of roots, Whole Foods (with occasional treats.)
I think if you set two rules, and stuck with them for a while, you get in shape. Make a will but not the others lead to better health for many people (not all), but it would be incomplete health.  The two days of the week and you're on your way to health and fitness.
But what the exact reasons for the macro nutrients (fancy way was to say, the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fat)? What about eating frequency and timing? What frequency is divided on the training calendar delegates, and more? You can add all kinds of rules and many others, but the truth is that all the complexity often a way to hide a few simple truths: If you want to lose weight or you need a caloric deficit, and if you want to build muscle You need to step up the exercise. The other assumption is generally, and during this complex programs that are likely to work, work that often, because they favor one or more of the principles in this post is not its complexity.
These two rules are all that is needed, but most of us a little more, so heres just broader competency standards. As always remember it, not that one) I am an expert in a material that should be for me to work 2) It is for healthy adults and people with health problems is to seek the advice of experts.

1st Move. Try some kind of physical activity most days of the week to make (4 days or more if possible). If you have an aversion to exercise, do not think that exercise. Just think of it as a way to move your body, entertaining way. He can dance, gardening, hiking, a walk through nature, swimming, basketball, rugby, cycling, even if to do your homework, have sufficient energy. And it must be the same every day. I recommend, for simplicity, a regular interval of time that you need to do your daily activities, on most days of the week. I prefer the morning, but others enjoy lunch or after work.
2nd Enjoy. What can select whatever you activity, it should be fun. If you do not like to move on. Focus on the fun, not the hard part. Or learn to like myself, enjoy life difficult! Again, please, or you do not follow so long. To ensure that it is not too hard, Easy Start. Concentrate on moving to the simple fact and enjoy the activity. Start small and build with small steps.
3rd Slowly add intensity. Once you have done an activity for some time, and you're in good shape, it is good to add some intensity. But by and by, when one adds to the intensity too quickly you'll risk injury or burnout. So let's say you have a walk for a few months you should be ready some brisk walking or running intervals to add something small. If you were to try some intervals faster (take it easy at the beginning) or a training hill. If you already training a force, do not forget to add weight (without risk) or decrease the rest time or add more repetitions or sets. If you play sports, things really speed up, or focus on explosive movements. Intensity is a great way to get fit and have an effective workout in just 20-30 minutes. Here sag REAT way to the body weight exercises with strength: a range of body weight exercises (eg pumps, pull-ups, squats, Burpee, Hindu push-ups, lunges, etc.) and not many Circuits possible in 10 or 15 minutes. The following year, to see if you can do several circuits. Its great!
4th Minimum PC. There are a million different fitness equipment out there in AB elliptical machines at a variety of weight machines gym. My rule: Keep it simple is. You can do amazing things with a body weight exercises, in fact, if you are a beginner in the relationship, you should start with body weight exercises for at least six months before moving to weight. You need not be only cardio equipment and walk, run, bike, mountain biking, climbing stairs sprint. Even if one weights, a bar or dumbbells to do everything you need to stay away from machines that work the body in a corner of its intention not to use (even if the machines are not Arent cable). Same go do better, sprints, climbing pump, jump over things, picking up stones and throw them high,  pull-ups on a tree, rock, swim, crab or monkey walk not a hammer or pick and click on the floor, flipping tractor tires and generally get a great workout with very little equipment.
5th Only a few years. Bodybuilding routines are 3-4 different exercises per body part. It is too complicated for most people. Keep it simple in the gym: squats, dead lift, press, dominated or pull-ups, rows. You can do a lot with just the elevators do. Of course, one might mix with some fluctuations over time, but do not have 10 years or things that focus on the posterior deltoid or use Swiss balls. If you make the body weight exercises, like I do things like push-ups that Burpee, squats, lunges, pull ups, dips, planks. Select one or a few rounds with little rest.
6th Eat real food. One of the most important rules here, because if you do not eat well (most of the time), no matter how much exercise you do, you grow and unhealthy. Objective truth, all the food that is closest to its natural state as possible. This means, stay away from treatment, refined, fatty foods and sugary. Vegetables, fruits, lean meats, dairy products, nuts, legumes, whole grains, eggs, cereals. Prepare for convenience products are often ingredients are added, and excess salt, fat, sugar and preservatives. If you follow this plan with contributions of more plant foods in the diet of hard to go wrong.
7th Eat less. Most people eat too much, and finally took the form of fat. To lose fat, you need to eat less really is that simple. Of course, if you real food to eat earlier, you are likely to consume fewer calories, but his chip to the amount you eat together to reduce, at least at a healthy level of body fat (and then release you should not). One solution is to eat slowly and deliberately, if only you satisfied (filled). Another way is to eat small meals and to see the room. A third possibility, I experimented with in these days is intermittent fasting (see Brad Pilon Eat Stop Eat e-book for a great explanation of the science behind the fast). But You do, make sure you eat real food in moderate quantities, and reduce your intake of calories, if you want to lose fat.
8th Give him time. That makes a lot of people want to see results immediately, in the first month, or because they do reading magazines it seem instantly. But the real skill is rare in this way, it is a process and a change of lifestyle. I started very bad, really overweight, and everything I had at the start, stop smoking and start running. A year later, I ran a marathon and was a vegetarian, but I was a bit much. A year later, I still have a sport, and had made great progress but still a long way to go. Now 3.5 years later I am much leaner and more muscular and healthy, but I have some stubborn fat belly, I work. GE Disease No, but I accepted the fact that it takes time. You do not get fat overnight, and you do not miss not in this way. Learn to enjoy the process and enjoy the activities, enjoy healthy food, real, and you get fit and healthy, almost as an afterthought to this amazing new lifestyle.

